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Please Note: These events are subject to changes for a variety of reasons. I.e. Weather, Facility Rentals, Etc. 

To confirm an event, please contact the Town Office @ 902-747-2243 or message the Mulgrave Recreation Facebook Page.

Color Run

Fri. 19 Oct, 2018 6:00 pm

Lets celebrate the fall with a fun color walk/run on our trail! Participants can walk or run this untimed race and be doused from head to toe with different colors at each km. Wear white at the start line and finished plastered in color! Friday, October 19th (rain date Sunday, October 21st) at 6:00pm beginning at the trail head on Main St (by the former shrimp plant entrance). All ages welcome, youth under 13 must be accompanied by an adult. Fee is $5/person and can be paid that night of the race. Volunteers needed.

